Showing posts with label CCP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CCP. Show all posts

Examples of analyzing and discerning the rumors and lies of the CCP government and the religious world (2)

Examples of analyzing and discerning the rumors and lies of the CCP government and the religious world (2)

CCP, Rumor, Religious Persecution, Christian

(3) Analysis of the third rumor of the Chinese Communist Party and religious community: The Church of Almighty God was created by man.

Relevant Words of God:

Some may wonder, Why must the age be ushered in by God Himself? Cannot a created being stand in His stead? You are all aware that God becomes flesh expressly for the purpose of ushering in a new age, and, of course, when He ushers in a new age, He has concluded the former age at the same time. God is the Beginning and the End; it is He Himself who sets His work in motion and so it must be He Himself who concludes the former age. That is the proof that He defeats Satan and conquers the world. Each time He Himself works among man, it is the beginning of a new battle. Without the beginning of new work, there would naturally be no conclusion of the old. And no conclusion of the old is proof that the battle with Satan has yet to come to a close. Only if God Himself comes and carries out new work among man can man fully break free of the domain of Satan and gain a new life and new beginning. Otherwise, man shall forever live in the old age and forever live under the old influence of Satan. With every age led by God, a part of man is set free, and thus man advances along with the work of God toward the new age. The victory of God is a victory for all those who follow Him. If mankind of creation were charged with concluding the age, then be it from the viewpoint of man or Satan, this is no more than an act that opposes or betrays God, not one of obedience to God, and the work of man would thus give a handle to Satan. Only if man obeys and follows God in an age ushered in by God Himself would Satan be fully convinced, for that is the duty of a created being. And so I say that you need only follow and obey, and no more is asked of you. That is what is meant by each keeping his duty and performing his function. God does His own work and does not need for man to do His work in His stead, nor does He involve Himself in the work of created beings. Man performs his own duty and does not interfere with the work of God, and that is true obedience and proof that Satan is defeated. After God Himself has ushered in the new age, He no longer works among man Himself. It is only then that man officially steps into the new age to perform his duty and carry out his mission as a created being. Such are the working principles that can be transgressed by none. Only working in this way is sensible and reasonable. The work of God is done by God Himself. It is He who sets His work in motion, and also He who concludes it. It is He who plans the work, and also He who manages it, and even more, it is He who brings the work to fruition. It is as stated in the Bible, “I am the Beginning and the End; I am the Sower and the Reaper.” All that is related to the work of His management is done by Himself. He is the Ruler of the six-thousand-year management plan; none can do His work in His stead or bring His work to a close, for it is He who is in control of all. Since He created the world, He will lead the entire world to live in His light, and He will conclude the entire age to bring all of His plan to fruition!
from “The Mystery of the Incarnation (1)” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

The Man’s Fellowship:

In order to beguile and deceive the Chinese people, the CCP does it utmost to distort the truth and turn black-and-white on its head, insisting that the church of God is an organization of man, and normal church life as illegal disruptions of social order. This is the consistent rhetoric and means by which the Communist Party resists God and brutally persecutes God’s church. The Church of Almighty God is simply not an organization of man but the church of God.
from the fellowship from the above: “The Key to Answers at a Media Interview with Reporters Lies in How to Witness God’s Work.”

In the Age of Grace, the Lord Jesus promised to His followers, “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you to myself; that where I am, there you may be also” (Jhn 14:3). He also prophesied, “For as the lightning comes out of the east, and shines even to the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be” (Mat 24:27). In the last days, as promised and foretold by Himself, God has again become flesh and descended to the East of the world—China—to do the work of judgment, chastisement, conquest, and salvation using the word, on the foundation of the redemption work of the Lord Jesus. In this, the prophecies of the Bible that “judgment must begin at the house of God” and “He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches” have also been fulfilled. God’s work of the last days has ended the Age of Grace and ushered in the Age of Kingdom. As the gospel of the kingdom of Almighty God spread rapidly in Mainland China, the Church of Almighty God came into being. As proven by facts, the Church of Almighty God came into being entirely as a result of God’s work of the last days, and was not established by any man. This is because the chosen people in the Church of Almighty God pray in the name of Almighty God, obey His work, and accept all the truths expressed by Him. Thus it is evident that these chosen people believe in Christ who is incarnated in the last days, the practical God who is the Spirit realized in the flesh, instead of believing in a man. Outwardly, Almighty God is nothing more than an ordinary Son of man, but in substance He is the embodiment of God’s Spirit and is the truth, the way, and the life. His work and word are the direct expression of the Spirit of God and are the appearance of God in person. Therefore, He is the practical God who is incarnated.
from Appendix to Selected Annals of the Work Arrangements of the Church of Almighty God: Almighty God and the Church of Almighty God

The churches of Christianity came to be because of the appearance and work of the Lord Jesus become flesh, and the Church of Almighty God came to be because of the appearance and work of the incarnate Almighty God of the last days. Thus, churches throughout the ages have been produced because of the appearance and work of God become flesh. The work of each step of God’s incarnation expresses many truths, and many people come to accept and follow God because of these truths expressed by God, thus giving rise to the churches. From this it can be seen that the churches are formed from those who accept the work of God and follow God. These gatherings of God’s chosen ones are called churches. The churches of Christianity were produced by the appearance and work of the incarnate Lord Jesus two thousand years ago. The Lord Jesus preached, “Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Mat 4:17), and He did the work of redemption, and expressed the truths that the people of the Age of Grace should put into practice and enter into, many people then began to believe in and follow the Lord, and thus the churches of that time came into being. Afterward, the gospel of the Lord Jesus spread to every country and territory, until the last days when it had spread to the ends of the earth, and Christian churches thus emerged in every country. These were the churches of the Age of Grace. During the final stages of the last days, the incarnate Almighty God appears and works in mainland China. Upon the foundation of the work of redemption of the Lord Jesus during the Age of Grace, Almighty God carries out the work of “judgment must begin at the house of God” (1Pe 4:17) prophesied in the Bible. To all mankind, Almighty God reveals all the mysteries of God’s six-thousand-year management plan, and expresses all truths for the purification and salvation of mankind. Because of the appearance and work of Almighty God of the last days, many people from every sect and denomination of the religious world, people who have believed in the Lord for many years, have finally heard the voice of God and seen that the Lord Jesus has come and has carried out the work of judgment of the last days. They have verified that Almighty God is the return of the Lord Jesus, and because of this they have accepted Almighty God’s work of the last days. In mainland China, at least several million people (tens of millions according to statistics from the Chinese Communist Government) have accepted and now follow Almighty God. Thus, the Church of Almighty God is entirely the result of the appearance and work of Almighty God. It was personally established by Almighty God, and not by any person. Every Christian in the Church of Almighty God fully recognizes that Almighty God is the return of the Lord Jesus, Christ of the last days, and the appearance of God. The Christians of the Church of Almighty God pray to the name of Almighty God. What they read, listen to, and fellowship are the words of Almighty God, and what they hold to are all the truths expressed by Almighty God. These truths are the way of everlasting life brought by God during the last days. In His work, the incarnate God of the last days also personally appointed and testified to the man used by God, that he might cooperate in the work of God—just as when the Lord Jesus worked, He personally chose and appointed the twelve apostles. These people who are used by God, however, merely cooperate in God’s work, and they are incapable of working in God’s stead. The churches were not established by them, and the one whom God’s chosen ones believe in and follow is not those who are used by God. The churches of the Age of Grace were not set up by Paul and the other apostles, but produced by the work of the Lord Jesus; they were personally established by the Lord Jesus. Likewise, the Church of Almighty God of the last days was also not set up by the man used by God, but was born from the work of Almighty God. It was personally established by Almighty God, and is shepherded by Himself; the man used by God merely waters, provides for, and guides the churches, performing his duty. Although God’s chosen ones are led, watered, and provided for by the man used by God, the One whom God’s chosen ones believe in and follow is Almighty God—which is a fact that no one can deny.…

The Christians of the Church of Almighty God accept and follow Almighty God as they see the expression of Almighty God is all the truth. They recognize that Almighty God is the second coming of the Lord Jesus. Yet the CCP government does not recognize the existence of God. It refers to religious organizations and churches as human organizations. Religious groups are designated as mundane organizations by unbelievers and an atheist government. This is unsubstantiated internationally. As we all know, religious beliefs are commonly recognized by the international community. All democratic countries recognize religious beliefs, recognize freedom of belief and respect religious groups. International conventions also recognize the freedom of religious belief. Why doesn’t the CCP? Because the CCP is an atheist political party that does not recognize the existence and incarnation of God, let alone respect freedom of belief. Since the CCP took power, it has steadfastly persecuted freedom of belief, designating religious groups as human organizations for restriction, persecution and suppression. But the Church of Almighty God’s millions or even tens of millions of Christians all recognize that the word expressed by Almighty God is the truth and the voice of God. No one can deny that Almighty God is the return of the Lord Jesus, the appearance of God in the last days. Just as when the Lord Jesus was doing His work, the Roman government and Judaism did not recognize it. But two thousand years later, the gospel of the Lord Jesus has spread throughout the world. All countries in the world have recognized that Christianity is a pure faith. What is reason for this? It is because the truth is the truth, and God’s word is the truth.
from the fellowship from the above

(4) Analysis of the fourth rumor of the Chinese Communist Party and religious community: The man used by the Holy Spirit fled overseas with huge sums of money.

Relevant Words of God:

The money, material objects, and all property in God’s household are the offerings that should be given by man. These offerings may be enjoyed by none but the priest and God, for the offerings of man are for the enjoyment of God, God only shares these offerings with the priest, and no one else is qualified or entitled to enjoy any part of them. All of man’s offerings (including money and things that can be enjoyed materially) are given to God, not to man. And so, these things should not be enjoyed by man; if man were to enjoy them, then he would be stealing offerings. Anyone who does this is a Judas, for, in addition to being a traitor, Judas also helped himself to what was put in the money bag.
from “The Ten Administrative Decrees That Must Be Obeyed by God’s Chosen People in the Age of Kingdom” in The Word Appears in the Flesh

The Man’s Fellowship:

How can we solve the problem of man always having conceptions about God? This can be solved through pursuit of the truth. For example, some people claim I have embezzled the churches funds, that I stole it and ran away, but does that sound correct to you? I would not steal the churches money and run. Offerings to God are for me to manage and to allocate; how can you call this taking it and running away? That is not what it is. It is my responsibility to allocate this money and I have the authority to do so. So, such a claim is wrong. Some say I have escaped from China and run abroad. This is not so. I carried out my work in mainland China for over ten years. In my wildest dreams, I never imagined that God would send me abroad. I thought that as long as God was doing His work in China, I would carry out my duty in China. I never thought of leaving. But this is where God led me; it was His instruction. At the time I had reservations, “I am on a wanted list. If You make me leave the country, then at customs won’t I be trapped? Isn’t this asking for trouble? If anything goes wrong, then surely I will be caught!” But I didn’t say these things. I said to myself, “Obey. Leave!” As a result, at customs, despite the danger, I was not caught. Would you call this running away? This was the Holy Spirit’s guidance, it was God’s instruction. So, once again the rumors spread by the Chinese Communist Party are wrong. They say I was being hunted down so I ran. This does not adhere to the truth. I never considered going abroad. It was God’s instruction to do so. He sent me. I took the risk and obeyed, albeit reluctantly, and so He led me through customs safely. At the time, what did I think about this? “If I make it through customs, then it is because God leads me through. If I do not make it through, then God has handed me over to Satan.” I accepted this. I obeyed!
from Sermons and Fellowship on Entry Into Life, Volume 138

For instance, the great red dragon said I embezzled money and fled to America. How do you explain it? Someone says, “That’s right. He is in America indeed.” Was that the same as fleeing to America? It was being led by God to America. It was God who dispatched me from China to America to do the work under His command. If it wasn’t for God’s guidance, could man escape? I am one of the most wanted fugitives of the country by the Communist Party in the mainland. How would I dare to come out? At that time, I thought, “If I came out, wouldn’t I be captured?” So it was not initiated by me. I was dispatched by God. It was God who told me that I had to leave. When I heard it, I thought, “Oh, this is God’s word. Every time when God’s work approached a turning point, God always said something in advance that would come true later. Going abroad was said by God. It was not a joke. It was an arrangement by God!” This was how I began to handle it. As soon as it was handled, I was able to leave. It was all led by God. It was hopeless in people’s eyes. Now you say whether it was that I escaped to America or that God led me and arranged for me to come to America? You all agree it was arranged by God. In addition, the great red dragon said I embezzled money and fled. That was not embezzled money. That was money put in my custody by God, money I am in charge of and empowered to maneuver and control. Is that embezzlement? Do you think it was like some corrupt officials fleeing with embezzled money? They fled with the money embezzled from the country and people. That is called fleeing with embezzled money. Did I flee with embezzled money? On the surface, it is also true. First, I came to America. Second, I am in charge of part of the money. But after words came out of the great red dragon’s mouth, troubles began. Things turned negative. After my explanation to you, everything is positive. Therefore, on the surface, a lot of things seem to coincide with the facts. But the great red dragon’s way of saying is the distortion of facts by turning right into wrong. Do you get it now?
from Sermons and Fellowship on Entry Into Life, Volume 141

(5) Analysis of the fifth rumor of the Chinese Communist Party and religious community: The Church of Almighty God destroys families and makes people abandon everything to follow God.

Bible Verses for Reference:

If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brothers, and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple (Luk 14:26).

And he that takes not his cross, and follows after me, is not worthy of me (Mat 10:38).

Truly I say to you, There is no man that has left house, or parents, or brothers, or wife, or children, for the kingdom of God’s sake, Who shall not receive manifold more in this present time, and in the world to come life everlasting (Luk 18:29-30).

No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God (Luk 9:62).

The Man’s Fellowship:

The Chinese Communist Party says: “The Church of Almighty God will ask people to leave behind everything in order to follow God.” I ask, in Christianity, had the Lord Jesus not demanded such things from men? Have not the saints through the ages been doing so? These witnessing have all been performed long ago, why do you not condemn those people? Why do you condemn the Church of Almighty God? Had the Lord Jesus not said such words? Have not the saints through the ages turned their backs on marriage, their family, the world, in the name of God, to follow God, to preach the Lord Jesus, and to bear witness for the Lord Jesus? Have they not? There have been too many of them. Which law from which country has condemned this as a crime? Has this been condemned as a crime? The Chinese Communist Party said, “The Church of Almighty God breaks up families.” Is this fair? Is this the reality? To follow God, to pursue the truth, to give yourself for righteousness, people willingly decide to do such things. Has the family of God forced anyone? Isn’t this the work of the Lord Jesus during the Age of Grace? What did the Lord Jesus say? “Whoever he be of you that forsakes not all that he has, he cannot be my disciple” (Luk 14:33). The Lord Jesus called on the twelve disciples Himself, and said, “Come you after me” (Mak 1:17). He also said, “Go you into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mak 16:15). Are you saying that the Lord Jesus had been wrong in saying so? This is recorded in the Bible. All of the religious communities, and all the saints through the ages have acted in such a way, why do you not dare to condemn them? Why do you come here and vilify the Church of Almighty God by saying that it breaks up families? Is this not a pack of lies told by Satan? You are following God, yet you are unable to see through this. You know not how to tell the difference between true and false, to tell black from white.
from Sermons and Fellowship on Entry Into Life, Volume 130

The great red dragon is now spreading rumors everywhere against God’s chosen people, particularly those who have given up their families to perform their duties, to attack, judge, and defame the Church of Almighty God. They say: “It is the Church of Almighty God that destroys people’s families, fracturing and banning people’s families.” Isn’t it spreading rumors and attacks? What kind of a family do you say a dark and evil mankind belongs to? Is that a positive thing? That family is not a positive thing. What is wrong with someone having left the family of Satan when he really believes in God? This is perfectly justified! “I cast aside everything to expend for God and carry out God’s will. Why shouldn’t I do that? I abandoned the family that kept me from believing in God and prevented me from pursuing the truth. What was wrong with that? The path that a believer follows is distinctly different from that of a non-believer. I want to pursue the truth and follow God. When you disagree with me, I divorce you. Is there anything wrong?” Such a divorce is more meaningful than those who divorce because of fornication and propensity for novelty! Their divorce is called destroying the family! We abandon everything and leave behind the family that is subject to Satan’s influence to follow God and pursue the truth. This is called discarding darkness for the light. This is a just act that is consistent with God’s will. It is a positive thing. Isn’t it better than following Satan to demise?
from “Sermons and Fellowship About God’s Word ‘God Himself, the Unique II’ IX” in Sermons and Fellowship on Entry Into Life (XII)

Examples of analyzing and discerning the rumors and lies of the CCP government and the religious world (1)

Examples of analyzing and discerning the rumors and lies of the CCP government and the religious world (1)

CCP, Religion, Discerning, Truth

The Man’s Fellowship:

As for all the nonsense of Satan, remember that you should maintain a denying attitude at all times. This is the principle. Why is it the principle? Someone says, “You think that Satan’s word will never be consistent with the fact. Isn’t it stereotyping Satan?” It is not stereotyping; it is a conclusion derived from Satan’s nature. Satan’s word is always mixed with ulterior motives. In Satan’s word, things will be distorted beyond recognition. What Satan says is just the opposite of the fact. It distorts the fact and turns black into white. One way Satan speaks is to rumor, fabricate, and pin some nonexistent things on you. This is one scenario of Satan’s tricks and speech. Satan has told lies from the very beginning. There are several kinds of lies. The first kind is a lie made out of nothing, completely nonexistent. It is something that is pinned on you from hearsay. This is one kind of lies. Another kind of lie comes from post-processing, altered fact. There is still another kind of lie that is a distortion of fact, inversion of black and white that turns right into wrong and the other way around. There are mainly three kinds of lies. These are the commonly seen lies. Satan says, “Believers in Almighty God always abduct people when they preach.” Isn’t this a distortion of fact? Satan also says, “For those who don’t accept, believers in Almighty God will cut off their ears and noses and gouge their eyes out.” We preach the gospel to so many people, what is the proportion of the believers? If all those who do not accept had their eyes gouged out, their noses and ears cut, how many of them would have been cut all together? So everything Satan says is a lie and nonsense. In addition, Satan also said that the Church of Almighty God was created by me, isn’t it nonsense? Had it not been the appearance and work of Almighty God, who could have created the Church of Almighty God? Do these people believe in me or believe in God? They believe in Almighty God, not me. Since I am not the one they believe in, why did the Chinese Communist Party say that the Church of Almighty God was created by me? Wasn’t it a bright-eyed lie? The CCP also said that “Eastern Lightning” was a cult. Are they the judge for the truth? Are they religious experts, appraisal experts? Do they understand religion? Do they have any true faith? Do they have any qualifications to determine which religion is cultish or orthodox? The CCP is the world’s largest cult, Satanism. Are they qualified to determine which sect is orthodox or cultish? Who appointed the CCP as judge and appraiser? They have the nerve to pass judgment so casually. This is called utter shamelessness. The religious circle even said: “Almighty God is a woman in Henan.” This is nonsense. Christ was clearly born in a city in northwest China. Which provinces are in the northwest? They are Shaanxi, Shanxi, and part of Inner Mongolia, right? Henan belongs to the Central Plains. The religious circle’s saying that Christ was born in Henan is a bright-eyed lie! This is a rumor invented by the religious circle. Isn’t it sheer nonsense? As for the rumor made up by the CCP great red dragon, how should people look at it? You have to look at its history. The great red dragon has never spoken a true word. Not only has it never spoken a true word to the Chinese people, it has never told the truth to the world. What is the Communist Party? The Communist Party was created by Karl Marx. Where did Karl Marx come from? Karl Marx was a believer of Satanism. He claimed that he was the savior who wanted to save mankind. So he wrote the Communist Manifesto and Capitalism. He wanted to use force and violence to seize political power and then control the whole of mankind. This is the truth. Did the Communist Party say so? Did they announce it to the world? They have never said anything about the truth, not a single word. Did the Communist Party say anything about the bad things they did? What is the ultimate goal of the Communist Party? Have they said anything about it? Not a word. Everything they say is a lie. The so-called “Serve the people, seek benefits for the people,” aren’t these nothing but lies? These are all lies, not a word of it is true. Why then, do you believe the words of the Communist Party? You need to examine the true way, examine God’s appearance and work. Why do you believe the words of Satan the devil? This is the problem. When you examine the work of God, you need to examine the utterance of God, and see if these words of God are the voice of God, are the truth, and see if it is the work of God. And then see if the Holy Spirit’s work is in the Church of Almighty God. After believing in God for years, what effects have these people reached? Do they have any knowledge about God? Have there been any changes in their life disposition? Have the toxins of Satan been cleansed? You need to examine these things. You don’t examine the words of Almighty God, don’t examine whose words the Church of Almighty God eats and drinks, whose work they are experiencing, and why do you go to the great red dragon and believe Satan the devil’s words? Why do you believe the words of the religious pastors and elders? What kinds of creatures are they? They are wolves disguised in sheep’s clothing; they are hypocritical antichrists; they are wicked servants; they are demons that devour human souls. Why don’t you see through their substance? This is the greatest ignorance of people, isn’t it?

from Sermons and Fellowship on Entry Into Life, Volume 142

(1) Analysis of the first rumor of the Chinese Communist Party and religious community: Preaching the gospel and performing one’s duty in believing in God include political participation.

The Man’s Fellowship:

We believe in God and act according to the word of God, the truth and the requirements of God; we do not participate in politics or engage in political activities. God’s most basic requirement of His believers is to first pursue and practice the truth, to be the light and salt of the world by doing good things for people, not to follow the evil trends of the world or do evil acts of corrupt mankind. In addition, another duty of ours as creatures of the Creator is to carry out God’s will. Since we have received salvation from God, we have the obligation and responsibility to preach the gospel and witness for God, to allow those who have yet to believe in God, who don’t know or understand God, to come before God to study the true way and accept the truth for salvation. This is the entrustment of God in us, the true meaning of our work of preaching the gospel.

Our preaching the gospel to witness for God has nothing to do with politics. It has no political intention or motive. Nor does it aim to overthrow any government or political party. It is entirely for bringing corrupt mankind to God to accept God’s work in the last days for salvation, so man can finally live and work in peace with dignity, and is able to detach from the influence of darkness and evil to live in light. It is for enabling human society to receive God’s care, protection and blessing. We bring people to God to accept God’s work and salvation. It is not a political appeal. God’s word does not include any statement to His chosen people to overthrow or expose the Communist Party. The word expressed by God is all the truth that exposes the essence of human corruption. It is all for saving people, changing people, and making people perfect in order to know and obey God. Everything we do is based on the word of God and according to the requirements of God. Our church has never engaged in any political activities. Nor does it contain any political slogan. Our church life is just to communicate the truth and know ourselves for receiving the truth, obeying God and living out the likeness of a real man for God’s salvation. We are not interested in politics which is neither a positive thing nor the truth. Engagement in politics does not lead to receiving the truth, let alone the blessing of God. Throughout history, God’s praises of a politician were unheard of. The pursuit of politics cannot bring salvation to man. Getting entangled in officialdom can only make man increasingly corrupt and evil. This is a fact obvious to all. When we believe in God, we never participate in politics. Hence our belief in God never involves any political aspiration because we see it so clearly that only by believing in God can we become better and better, with increasing humanity, conscience and sense. If man can sincerely believe in God and pursue the truth, he can certainly live out the likeness of a real man and satisfy the criteria for receiving God’s salvation.

Our evangelic efforts are entirely for making mankind accept the work of God for salvation. This is most beneficial to human society and the only effective way to change the darkness and evil of human society because God is the Creator who alone can save corrupt mankind. Our preaching the gospel and witnessing for God are meant to let humanity as a whole know about the Creator, come before Him and worship the only true God. This is the path to blessing and salvation for mankind. Only by believing in God and accepting God’s salvation can mankind solve the fundamental problems of darkness and evil in the world. As the world is becoming increasingly dark and evil, humanity increasingly corrupt, human morality increasingly depraved and decadent, mankind must believe in God, and accept God’s word, God’s work, God’s judgment and chastisement in order to gain the truth from God’s word and resolve the problems of man’s corruption from the roots. Hence preaching the gospel is indispensable and the only way for social stability and happiness for mankind. So if mankind were to get real happiness, society were to attain long-term stability and order, there would only be one way, that is, to accept God’s work and salvation. There is no other way but this. Don’t expect any countries or parties to save mankind, let alone any politicians, writers or thinkers to do it. Corrupt mankind doesn’t have such ability. No one can change the destiny of mankind. Only the Creator, the One True God, is fully equipped to save humanity. So our preaching of the gospel is most advantageous to the stability of society and the happiness of mankind. This is most meaningful. I believe that those who have the conscience, reason and sense of justice will support us in preaching the gospel and agree with our view. To preach the gospel and witness for God is the needs of the people and society. It is entirely a just cause.

It was because we came to understand the truth by accepting Almighty God’s word and experiencing His judgment and chastisement that we began to preach the gospel and witness God’s work in the last days. As believers of God, it is our duty to let corrupt mankind come before God to receive His salvation. Our preaching of the gospel is to deliver the true way of receiving salvation to man, enable man to receive the true way and be saved by God in the last days. This is our truest love. Witnessing to people about the good news that can enable mankind to survive the catastrophe and receive salvation is truly a good deed that is recognized by mankind. The kingdom gospel of the last days we preach of is so good for man. As the ruling party, whether it is legitimate or not, the CCP should do some practical things for the people and solve some practical problems. It is only just and right to let the people live and work in stability and peace. Why doesn’t the Communist Party do the proper things but ruthlessly coerces, arrests and persecutes us? Isn’t it acting perversely against heaven? Why doesn’t the CCP conform to the wills of heaven and the people but advocates evil and resists justice instead? Isn’t it void of humanity? In the process of preaching the gospel and performing the duty, many of God’s chosen people were able to put aside physical comfort and enjoyment to persist in preaching God’s kingdom gospel in the last days amid rain and storms, heat and cold. Even when they were being vilified, maligned, rejected, beaten and abused, even when they were arrested and persecuted by the government, God’s chosen people still persistently, indefatigably fulfilled their duties and performed their utmost. Regardless of people’s acceptance or denial, we had to be dedicated to our duty and love. If we knew the true way but did not proclaim and witness it to people, we would be unscrupulous and unfair to people. Therefore, what we do is to preach the gospel and witness for God to let people know the true way and the way to be saved in the last days. This is the duty we should perform. Our preaching of the gospel and performing our duties are preparation for good deeds. They are intended for the people to live happily with dignity. They are absolutely not political engagements, let alone social disturbance. This is a fact.

from the fellowship from the above: “The Key to Answers at a Media Interview with Reporters Lies in How to Witness God’s Work.”

(2) Analysis of the second rumor of the Chinese Communist Party and religious community: The Church of Almighty God is a cult.

The Man’s Fellowship:

There is the principle of truth that can be sought on how to differentiate between cultism and orthodoxy. It would not be fair to go by the arbitrary views of any political parties or individuals, or the opinions of any countries or constitutions. First, we must determine what is orthodox in order to determine the true way. Only the truth is positive and the source for all things positive. Where does the truth come from then? The truth comes from Christ. Christ is the incarnation of God, thus the truth comes from God. All matters that come from God are positive things. Only the Creator’s word is the truth. Only Christ in the flesh can express the truth. It is the will and the rule of heaven that no countries, political parties or groups can defy, let alone resist and oppose. Whoever defies, resists and opposes it is seeking self-destruction, which completely fulfills God’s word that corrupt mankind will seek self-destruction by resisting God. In the world and human societies, all positive things are consistent with the wills of heaven and the people. An orthodox belief conforms to the wills of heaven and the people. Believing in God is consistent with the wills of heaven and the people. Consistence with the people’s will means the majority of mankind endorses believing in God and conscientiously affirms that believing in God is following the right way. People generally believe that believers of God are good and decent people. Therefore it is just and right and purely positive to believe in God, obey God and worship the Creator. It is consistent with the wills of heaven and people. What is cultism or evil then? Evil is contradictory to the will of heaven, acting perversely against the wills of heaven and the people. What kinds of things are against the wills of heaven and the people? Disallowing people to believe in God is denying the wills of heaven and the people. Any act that is resented and condemned by human conscience and reason is evil. Anything that is supported, recognized and endorsed by mankind conscientiously and rationally is positive. Believing in God is a positive thing. Any act that resists, condemns and opposes God is a negative thing. All negative acts are subject to the evil influence of Satan. If we can tell what is positive and evil, it will be easy to differentiate an orthodox belief from a cult. After all, what is an orthodox belief and what is a cult? To be exact, all churches that believe in the true God are orthodox. Any institutions that believe in false gods, evil spirits, and the devil Satan are cults. Any institutions that advocate heresies and fallacies that resist God such as atheism and evolution are cults. Let us examine the origin of the Communist Party. As we all know, the Communist Party was founded by the German Karl Marx. Marx was a believer of Satan, who claimed that he himself was the devil Satan. How could the Communist Party founded by such an authentic devil be an orthodox institution? The Communist Party has consistently advocated violent revolution, which is the slaughterer of human beings and authentic atheist entity. In the Communist Manifesto, Marx stated, “A spectre is haunting Europe—the spectre of communism.” Now that this spectre of communism has materialized in the Communist Party. Can’t we see that this reactionary Communist Party is an authentic cult? The Chinese Communist Party is more cunning than its ancestor Karl Marx who dared to openly admit that he was the devil Satan, but the CCP does not dare to say so. The CCP is adept at distorting the fact, turning black-and-white on its head, adept at camouflage, deception and preemptive accusation. It is also capable of spinning the positive into negative and evil, and vice versa. It is extremely good at disguising. Even when it is obviously evil and reactionary, it still disguises itself as good and righteous, doing its utmost to trumpet the so-called—greatness, glory, rectitude, of the CCP. This is the usual practice of the Chinese Communist Party. The CCP is most adept at preemptive accusation. In the world, the Communist Party is best at beguiling, deceiving, corrupting and toying with mankind. The CCP is the slaughterer of humanity. Therefore, everything that the Communist Party supports, advocates, and affirms is a negative thing. Any faith that is designated as cultism by the CCP is orthodox and the true way. Only the Communist Party can designate an orthodox church as a cult. In fact, the Communist Party is the real cult and the genuine evil cult. It is the typical representative of all cults. The Communist Party is the bona fide Satanism in the last days, the typical evil enterprise, the most sinister and insidious reactionary organization in the world. It is a terrorist organization. Unmistakably, this is a universally accepted fact.

In addition, in order to be fair, whether a religion or a church is a cult or not should be determined by the majority, all those who have faith, and people from all over the world, based on universal values recognized by all nations. It is rather absurd to decide which is a cult simply by the communists’ atheist constitution because the Communist Party itself is an atheist organization which fundamentally denies the existence of God. The CCP is ignorant of God and resistant to God. It is the enemy of God. Hence it is not qualified to comment on anything about people’s belief in God. Nor is it entitled to assign any culpability to any religious body or church. In fact, according to its atheism and constitution, the Communist Party has designated all religious bodies and churches as cults, including Christian churches, home churches and other religious groups, and openly designated the Bible as a cultist book. This is an undisputed fact. Since it took power in mainland China, the Communist Party has used various brutal means to restrict, suppress and persecute those who believe in God, and deprive people of their freedom of belief. It uses public opinions, politics, the law and other means to pressure the church, intimidate those who believe in God and prohibit people from worshiping and following God. Instead, it makes everyone worship it, obey it and continue to accept its rule as its servants. It is so shameless and preposterous to preach that people’s happiness is given by the Communist Party and that the Communist Party is the “provider of food and clothing” for the Chinese people! Palpably, the Chinese Communist Party is an authentic evil party and a cult that is more fascist than fascism. In today’s world, the Communist Party is the evil consortium that resists God in the most insane, brutal and vicious manner. The ways it exploits, deceives and suppresses people are the most brutal. It has massacred and ensnared the greatest number of human beings. It has incurred the wrath of God and the resentment of man. It is a universally recognized fact that China has the largest number of people fleeing from its tyranny and the most serious emigration exodus from this infernal prison-state. Thus this unlawful ruling party that has seized power by prevarication, fraud, guile, violence and massacre simply has no qualification to comment on or condemn whether any religion or church is orthodox or cult. The CCP’s constitution is not consistent with international human rights conventions at all. Although China is a signatory to some international conventions that it has no intention of honoring and complying, that is merely its way of beguiling the people and the world. Therefore, the constitution of the Communist Party is not a legitimate law at all. China’s constitution does not serve the people. It is merely a tool for restraining and binding the people. The CCP simply does not follow its own law. It is safe to say that the law does not exist at all in the authoritarian countries of communism. At one point or another, all communist officials and policemen have openly stated that they themselves are the law and what they say is the law. Therefore, in the authoritarian state of the Communist Party, the exaltation of power above the law has resulted in the current situation of lawlessness. Hence the Chinese people have long declined to believe in anything the Communist Party says because everything it says is invariably fallacious and heretic that distorts the facts, turns black-and-white on its head and makes no sense. No living soul will give any credence to such nonsense that aims to deceive and paralyze and toy with the public.

from the fellowship from the above: “The Key to Answers at a Media Interview with Reporters Lies in How to Witness God’s Work.”

Exposing the Truth of the CCP’s Religious Policy Masked by its Constitution

Exposing the Truth of the CCP’s Religious Policy Masked by its Constitution

CCP, Religious Policy, Religious Persecution, Christian

Ma Jinlong (Captain of the National Security Team): Han Lu, here is a chance for you to score some points. As long as you tell us who your leaders are and where your church’s money is stashed, we will go easy on you. Naturally, if you do well, it is not out of the question that we let you go.

Chen Jun (Deputy captain of the national security team): Humph! According to records of the notebook, the figure of the church’s money is written there. It certifies that you are a church leader! How much money does the church have? Where is it stashed? Who are your higher-ups? Quickly explain!

Han Lu (A Christian): We believers of God neither break the law nor commit crime. What right do you have to interrogate me like a criminal? We preach the gospel to witness for God in order to bring people to God to receive the truth, to be able to get rid of sins for God’s salvation, and enter beautiful destination. These are good deeds, righteous actions. We believers of God have not violated any law. What do you want me to explain? The Constitution clearly stipulates for the freedom of belief. Why don’t you act according to the Constitution? You interrogate me for who my leaders are and how much money the church has. What is the purpose? Is it legal?

Chen Jun: You want to drop the Constitution on us. Was the Constitution written for you? Are you qualified to talk about the Constitution? Under the reign of the Communist Party, the Communist Party is the boss! The Communist Party is atheist and most against those who believe in God. Your belief in God is a violation of the Communist Party’s law, a violation of the Communist Party’s taboo. So the Communist Party will crack down on it. Once we capture you believers of God, we will fix you and interrogate you any way we like. This is the prerogative given to us by the Party Central Committee! Particularly you key figures of the Church of Almighty God, we must severely punish you, and that does not rule out killing! That is the Communist Party’s policy! The Communist Party’s policy is the real law! What does the Constitution amount to? It is a tool to serve the rule of the Communist Party! Do you understand it now?

Han Lu: The Constitution is the fundamental law of a country. Government officials all over the world act in accordance with the Constitution to govern and administer. The Chinese Communist government does not abide by the Constitution but openly trample on it. In your own words, you said that above the Constitution is the real law of the Communist Party. How many sets of laws do you have? If the Chinese Communist government has another set of law behind the Constitution, isn’t this sufficient to prove that in the Communist state, the power is greater than the law? The Constitution devised by the Chinese Communist government is not intended for Chinese citizens to comply with, even the government itself is not bound by the Constitution. What is the use of the Constitution after all? What’s the point?

Ma Jinlong: After living in China for decades, you still haven’t figured this out? The Communist Party is an atheistic party, a revolutionary party. Why is it so against those who believe in God? It is because the Communist Party is most inimical to the Bible, most inimical to the word of God! When the Communist Party ascends to power, it will ban and eliminate all religions, ultimately establishing a godless domain in China to ensure its permanent rule! This is the paramount policy of the Communist Party in dealing with religious beliefs! The Constitutional stipulation for religious freedom is intended for display to foreigners, a political means for the Communist Party to consolidate the political power of the regime and enhance its international influence. As long as the Communist Party is in power in China, don’t even dream of having religious freedom! If you stubbornly follow the path of believing in God, you are courting death! Even if you do not face the firing squad, you will rot and die in prison! Do you understand it now? Do you still need me to elaborate?

Chen Jun: China is the Communist Party’s world. When you were born in China, you have to listen to the Communist Party, you have to be a conforming citizen in order to lead a peaceful life. You want to believe in God freely? No way! Even if you flee overseas to believe in God, we will still extradite you back. I tell you, the Communist Party is a revolutionary party. If you defy the Communist Party’s leadership, then the Communist Party will terminate your life, remove your head! I advise you to act sensibly and cooperate with us nicely! The alternative is death! You need to think it over clearly!

Han Lu: I just don’t understand why the Communist Party has to strike against and suppress religious beliefs. Why are Christians being treated as the state’s most wanted criminals? Why are they being repressed and persecuted by revolutionary means, even tortured to death? This does not pass the scrutiny of international law! Those who believe in God magnify and revere God. They value the pursuit of truth and live by the word of God. They are law-abiding citizens who lead the correct path of life. Why does the Communist Party regard those who believe in God as thorns in the side and implacable enemies that cannot coexist with it? Does it mean the Chinese Communist government wants people to follow the depraved and evil ways, and forbids them to follow the right path? No wonder the Chinese society is getting increasingly darker and more evil. Isn’t this the consequence of the Communist Party’s hatred of the truth, attack on justice, and antagonization of God? Almighty God says, “The rise and fall of a country or nation is predicated upon whether its rulers worship God, and whether they lead their people closer to God and to worship Him. … God shall cause those who follow and worship Him to prosper, and shall bring decline and extinction upon those who resist and reject Him.”

Chen Jun: Han Lu! It seems that you really understand the Communist Party. I admit, the Communist Party has never stopped doing bad things since it took power. It has now provoked the people’s resistance. But what are people in the eyes of the Communist Party? The Communist Party does not care about this! I tell you the truth today, the Communist Party is the satanic party, satanic cult that opposes God. Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, and Mao Zedong were satanic cult leaders. They were sworn enemies of God who acted specifically against God. It is useless for anyone to oppose, or for the people to hate the Communist Party. The Communist Party has tanks and machine guns. We will repress and annihilate anyone who opposes the Communist Party. The Communist Party is atheist while you believers of God are theist. The Communist Party and believers of God are simply enemies. This is a deadly class struggle of ideology. Do you understand? You should also know that the Communist Party’s faith is encountering a serious crisis. No one believes in the theory of communism anymore. Most Chinese people recognize the existence of God in their hearts. They all recognize the existence of fate and karma. So more and more people are believing in God now. Tell me, how can the Communist Party not repress you? In order to maintain its political power, the Communist Party is capable of doing anything, even at the expense of launching wars and massacring mankind. The Communist Party is able to do this. Who can restrict it?

Han Lu: The Communist Party indeed has the ability to repress and massacre. But is there no retribution? The Roman government frantically condemned and opposed the work of the Lord Jesus, and brutally captured and killed Christians. God sent down the plague and destroyed the Roman regime. The Israelites resisted, condemned and crucified the Lord Jesus. God made Israel cease to exist for nearly two thousand years. From ancient times to the present, haven’t all those who acted against God been destroyed by God? People often say that human beings are very insignificant in front of nature. Aren’t humans even more insignificant in front of the Creator? “Good begets good, evil begets evil.” This is a fact that no one can deny! The existence of Heaven’s law is the fact of God’s dominance. Even if you don’t recognize God, shouldn’t you acknowledge karma?

From the movie script of Sweetness in Adversity

Church News | Massimo Introvigne Reveals Truth of Zhaoyuan McDonald's Murder and Says the Real Xiejiao Is the CCP

At the international conference on Religious Persecution and the Human Rights of Refugees in Seoul, South Korea on October 23, 2017, Professor Massimo Introvigne made a detailed analysis of the inaccuracies in the Chinese Communist government's definition of a "cult." He also clearly stated that The Church of Almighty God has been the religious group most seriously persecuted by the Chinese Communist government, leading to the incarceration and sentencing of hundreds of thousands of their followers who have committed no crimes. They have only been incarcerated and sentenced because of their affiliation with The Church of Almighty God. Chinese authorities have not denied their suppression of the Church, and they uphold that Church members have committed serious crimes, including the purported May 28 Zhaoyuan City McDonald's murder case. However, as of now, not a single one of the Chinese government's accusations against The Church of Almighty God has been substantiated. Professor Introvigne published in-depth research and analysis on the May 28 Zhaoyuan City McDonald's murder case. His findings were that the brutal perpetrators of that murder absolutely were not members of The Church of Almighty God, and that the May 28 Zhaoyuan City McDonald's murder case is completely unrelated to the Church. Other relevant articles by Professor Introvigne have been published in The Journal of CESNUR, an international academic journal, and the premier encyclopedia of worldwide religions, World Religions and Spirituality Project.

The CCP Is the Manipulator Behind the “8.28 Protest”

The CCP Is the Manipulator Behind the “8.28 Protest”

At 9 a.m. on August 28, 2016, at the gate of the Church of Almighty God in Guro, Seoul, South Korea played out such a scene: Wu, a representative of some religious website in South Korea, led a Chinese mother and her son, as well as five elderly people, to demonstrate with slogan boards saying “Return My Husband to My Family,” etc. They even invited the journalist of a TV station to record the whole process. Under Wu’s command, the Chinese woman cried and shouted, claiming that her husband Zhang was hijacked to South Korea by the Church of Almighty God, and that she wanted her husband to go back with her. Such a scene makes us quite puzzled: The Chinese woman traveled a thousand kilometers to look for her husband, but why didn’t her husband want to meet her? What’s the relationship between Wu and this Chinese woman? How did they gather together to initiate this protest demonstration? Who is the real mastermind of this demonstration? Next, we will give you the answers one by one.

CCP, Great Red Dragon, 8.28, Korea

Zhang, husband of this Chinese woman, is a Christian of the Church of Almighty God. In 2015, he fled to South Korea to seek asylum. There are two reasons for him to go to South Korea for protection. First, it’s because the atheist CCP government has been cruelly persecuting religious belief, and he couldn’t believe in God in Mainland China freely. Second, it’s because his wife persecuted him for his belief as a result of being deceived by the rumors of the CCP government. As we all know, the CCP government is an atheistic dictatorial government. It designates Christianity as a cult, and labels the Bible as a cult book. Also, all believers of God are convicted as political criminals against the Party and the government, and they have been suffering all kinds of oppressions, arrests and persecutions. In Mainland China, it can be said that the Christians have been struggling to believe in God and perform their duties, surrounded by hazards. For Zhang, he not only suffered the CCP’s persecution from the outside, but also faced increasing persecution for his faith at his home. His wife Tian believed the rumors made up by the CCP, and threatened him many times with suicide and calling the police, in order to force him to give up his belief. Faced with the double persecutions from the CCP government and his blinded family, Zhang found himself in a really difficult position. He might be arrested and imprisoned by the CCP at any time. Having no choice, he fled to South Korea to seek protection in 2015. Zhang had thought that after fleeing the country ruled by the CCP, he could finally break free from the persecution and arrest of the CCP, and could believe in God freely. However, he never expected that the CCP would hotly pursue him and even stretch its evil hand to South Korea.

In May 2016, under the CCP’s arrangement, one of its agents and Zhang’s wife, son and sister all together came to South Korea for Zhang. When Zhang’s wife and sister met Zhang, Zhang told them his attitude clearly: He doesn’t want to return to China, and he cannot either. Because once returning to China, he will be arrested and imprisoned by the CCP government, and will suffer cruel tortures. Unexpectedly, his wife claimed that he must return to China with her even if he is to be imprisoned and maimed by torture. Later, under the incitement of the CCP agent, Zhang’s wife and sister cried, made troubles, and even threatened suicide to force him to return. They stole his two mobile phones and passport, and took away all the money he had on him. They also installed a monitor in his another mobile phone, and even chased and cornered him in the airport, attempting to abduct him back to China. Fortunately, Zhang narrowly escaped. Three months later, Zhang’s wife Tian with their son came to South Korea once again. On arriving there, Tian went to the Immigration Office of South Korea and tried to cancel Zhang’s asylum application. And then she called a press conference immediately, publicly framed the Church of Almighty God by saying that Zhang came here because he was coerced by the Church and demanded to take her husband back. Not long after that, in collusion with Wu, Tian went to the Church of Almighty God and took photos of the Christians who got in and out of the gate of the Church without any permission. On August 28, as organized by Wu, Tian, her son and five elderly people went to the gate of the Church of Almighty God and launched a demonstration with the signs reading “Return My Husband to My Family” and the slandering and blaspheming slogans against the Church of Almighty God. Under Wu’s instruction, Tian and her son struck at the door, crying and screaming, staged a “wretched drama.” They invited the journalists of some TV station to photograph and interview at the scene. Please think about it: Tian knows clearly how cruel the CCP’s means of persecuting Christians is and that Zhang will surely be arrested and detained, and suffer cruel tortures and afflictions once he returns, but why does she repeatedly force Zhang back to China? It is totally something within their household that Tian came to South Korea for Zhang, but why did she spread it and carry out a demonstration to protest against the Church of Almighty God publicly? As Zhang’s wife, why would she rather that Zhang returned to China being imprisoned and maimed by the CCP government than let him seek protection in South Korea? For Tian and her son, the traffic fee to South Korea and their board and lodging expenses is a big burden, but why can they come to South Korea time and time again? Since Tian is only an ordinary employee in some company, how can she get in contact with Wu who lives overseas and is completely a stranger to her? If we give it a little thought, we can see that Tian must be instructed and used by some person so that she disregarded the safety of her husband and came to South Korea twice to coerce him into returning to China. Behind her demonstration at the gate of the Church of Almighty God, there is an evil hand plotting and manipulating all these. So who is the evil hand?

Let’s then look at the organizer of this protest—Wu, a representative of some religious website in South Korea. She has a nationality and belief different from Tian, and they are thousands of miles away from each other and are in no way related. Why did she collude with Tian to organize the 8.28 Protest? Who exactly is she? From Wu’s activities in South Korea, it is obvious that she has a pro-CCP tendency: She opposes whoever the CCP opposes. Three years ago, Wu tried twice to sneak into the Church of Almighty God to gather information in the name of “investigating Almighty God’s work of the last days.” Because most believers in the church suspected her to be a CCP spy, she was excluded from the Church then. On July 19, 2016, Wu publicly stood on the side of the atheistic CCP, and condemned the Church of Almighty God with the adverse rumors made up by the CCP that slandered and blasphemed the Church. Besides, she incited the local citizens and religious world to resist the Church of Almighty God together. Wu is a religious person, but she actually stands on the side of the atheistic CCP all the time, serving as an accomplice and tool of the atheists in opposing God. It’s truly something pitiful, and a shame to the religious world! Why is Wu so indiscriminate that she should be willing to be used and commanded by the CCP to attack the Church of Almighty God? All signs indicate that Wu has probably been bought off by the CCP, for the CCP government is great at buying off people to do service for them. This is the habitual means the CCP uses to achieve its contemptible purpose. For example, every time the high officials of the CCP visit the foreign countries, they pay high to have a bunch of overseas Chinese as a welcome team. Moreover, the CCP buys off the important political figures and the officials in various countries at a huge cost to do things for them, which is already an open secret. So, there is nothing to be surprised that Wu is bought off at a high price by the CCP and then speaks and does things for them under the urge of interests. More than that, we learn from a journalist of some South Korea TV station that Wu had contacted them and invited them to report this protest three days before Tian and her son arrived in South Korea. Also, when Tian came to South Korea this time, Wu picked her up personally. These facts are proof that Wu and Tian have already known each other under the CCP government’s manipulation, and that everything Tian did after she came to South Korea this time was carefully planned and arranged. The 8.28 Protest is an organized, planned, and premeditated action. It’s not difficult for people of insight to find that Tian and Wu are nothing but chessmen and tools used and manipulated, and the true planner and manipulator behind the 8.28 Incident is the CCP! Then, why does the CCP government bribe Wu to be its lackey and spend such great financial, material and human resources on Tian and her son? The CCP has an ulterior and sinister intention behind it. Actually, the CCP asks Tian and her son to brandish the slogan “A wife looks for her husband, and a son looks for his father” to win others’ sympathy, and conduct a protest demonstration with the claim that the Church of Almighty God abducts Zhang, so as to deceive and blind the South Korean masses. Meanwhile, it is exerting pressure on the South Korean government. It intends to make the South Korean government forcibly send Zhang back to China. And then with Zhang as a precedent, all the other believers of the Church of Almighty God who fled overseas to seek asylum because of the CCP’s persecution could also be extradited to China. On the other hand, the CCP is using this matter to slander, discredit, and frame the Church of Almighty God, so as to stir up the South Korean masses’ hostility towards the Church of Almighty God. As a result, they would refuse to investigate God’s work in the last days and thus lose the chance to be saved by God. These are exactly the contemptible intention and purpose of the CCP.

In addition, we learn from the South Korean police, when Wu applied for the protest, she told them there would be sixteen people to participate in the 8.28 Protest. This shows that Wu had tried to incite the Korean religious world to participate in the protest demonstration against the Church of Almighty God, but few of them involved themselves in this protest. This allows us to see most people in the South Korean religious world respect the fact and are indeed enlightened, strong-minded, and thinking people. They have their own stand and viewpoints so that they were not deceived by the CCP’s rumors, and did not follow Wu in her evil. The Church of Almighty God in South Korea is a legally registered church, the Christians of the Church only testify to Almighty God, preach the kingdom gospel of Almighty God. They never violate the law of South Korea or fight against anyone, nor offend anyone. They do everything on the basis of the Bible, and never do things contrary to the teachings of the Lord Jesus. Although Wu and Tian, under the banner of “looking for family,” slandered and attacked the Church of Almighty God, picking quarrels and provoking troubles with the Church, the South Korean government wasn’t biased, which allows us to see the South Korean government is indeed democratic. This is what we have never seen in Mainland China, and we feel very comforted!

In this 8.28 Incident, Tian constantly said that Zhang was abducted by the Church of Almighty God. However, anyone with a discerning eye can see that she is confounding right and wrong, and playing the trick of a thief crying “Stop thief.” On August 29, Zhang made a public statement to some prominent medium in South Korea that he escaped here to seek protection only because of the hunting and persecution from the CCP. He said he performed his duty in the Church of Almighty God of South Korea out of sheer willingness, and that no one forced him. In addition, the Church of Almighty God explicitly states, “One gives up his whole being to sacrifice for God by the voluntary principle. For example, some sacrifice for evangelism, some sacrifice for doing the church work, some offer their whole beings and devote all their time to God and some can only sacrifice for God during their free time. All is chosen by man out of his free will; God’s house never forces man. If you are fit for duty, God’s house can call you. But whether you do or not is entirely decided by yourself.” Whether one believes in God or not and whether one performs duty in the church or not are decided by himself; the Church of Almighty God never forces man, much less compels man. So, the saying that Zhang is abducted by the Church of Almighty God does not conform at all to the fact. It is completely the CCP’s slander and defamation of the Church of Almighty God. In fact, the word “abduct” is not new for the CCP. Abduction is the usual means of the CCP. It arrests, imprisons and tortures Christians and dissidents illegally, and even beats them to death with impunity. So, the CCP is the real culprit who abducts Christians and the Chinese people. At Zhang, for example, he doesn’t want to go back to China. However, the CCP government wracks its brain and spares no cost to send agents to forcefully abduct him and conduct the protest demonstration, attempting to extradite him back to China to ravage and persecute him. Isn’t this exactly abduction? But the CCP confounds right and wrong and makes false accusations, shifting the blame onto the Church of Almighty God without any proof, by which it is to defame and slander the Church. The CCP is really evil to the utmost!

In addition, the CCP government and Wu and others seize on the matter of Zhang, who was persecuted and forced to seek asylum in South Korea to continue his faith and his duty, and thus defame the Church of Almighty God by saying that it tears families apart, and breaks the law. This allegation is so absurd and ridiculous. As is known to all Christians, it was recorded in the Bible that when the Lord Jesus called His disciples, one of them said, “Lord, I will follow you; but let me first go bid them farewell, which are at home at my house.” Jesus said to him, “No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God” (Luke 9:61-62). In the Bible, the Lord Jesus also told us clearly, “If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brothers, and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple” (Luke 14:26). “And every one that has forsaken houses, or brothers, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name’s sake, shall receive an hundred times, and shall inherit everlasting life” (Matthew 19:29). From the Lord Jesus’ words, we see that those who forsake everything to carry out God’s will, to satisfy and love God are most approved by God. Only such kind of people are worthy to be the disciples of the Lord Jesus and qualified to inherit God’s promise and blessings. Is the Lord Jesus’ such requirement of man tearing families apart? Is it illegal that the Lord Jesus’ disciples forsake family and career to preach the gospel? Obviously not! The deeds of these disciples are exactly the manifestation of their conscience, reason and obedience to God, and are approved by God. Moreover, for the sake of God’s commission, numerous saints throughout the ages abandoned their families, husbands, wives, and children to spread the Lord Jesus’ gospel everywhere. They endured a lot of hardships and sufferings, and they didn’t even hesitate to give up their lives. It is just because generations of saints willingly forsook their families and career for evangelism that the Lord Jesus’ gospel spreads to the ends of the earth, and that we, the gentile nations, are so blessed to receive the Lord Jesus’ salvation. Could we say that it’s wrong for the saints to forsake everything to expend for God? Could we say that their deeds are against the law? Could we say that they were coerced into going out to preach? Which nation’s law could convict them of crimes? Now, the Christians of the Church of Almighty God have suffered too much affliction and persecution from the CCP in Mainland China, with no place to hide, so they’re forced to flee overseas and continue to follow God and spread the kingdom gospel. Is there anything wrong with this? The CCP government condemns Christians’ righteous deeds of forsaking their family and career to preach as an illegal action, and condemns the positive things as negative ones. This is sufficient to prove that the CCP government confuses black and white, right and wrong, hates righteous and bright things and advocates evil and negative ones. The CCP government is so evil, so reactionary!

In this, I believe that you are all well aware that the CCP government is the mastermind behind the 8.28 Incident, and that this protest is just a drama which is completely invented, directed, and performed by the CCP itself. So, these allegations against the Church of Almighty God made by Wu and Tian under the instigation of the CCP government are totally false. The CCP government hates the truth most and hates the coming of the true God extremely. In Mainland China, it hunted Christ in every possible way and cruelly suppresses and persecutes Christians of the Church of Almighty God, driving them to leave their homes and have nowhere to go. Even so, they still do not quit. Nowadays, it stretches its evil hand to countries overseas. It uses its usual tricks such as bribery and interest inducement to buy off pro-CCP members to be its helpers overseas, making them its voice, to attack, slander, and defame the Church of Almighty God. It also incites and instigates the family members of Christians to stir up troubles abroad under the pretext of looking for their families, trying to forcibly extradite Christians of the Church of Almighty God back to China, so as to disturb and impair the spreading of the kingdom gospel in other countries. The CCP government is truly reactionary to the utmost and evil to the extreme! God’s disposition is intolerant of man’s offense. Any person, any country, or any nation that defies God will suffer God’s righteous punishment and curse. Almighty God says, “Recall the scene in the Bible when God wrought destruction upon Sodom, and think also of how Lot’s wife became a pillar of salt. Think back to how the people of Nineveh repented their sins in sackcloth and ashes, and recall what followed after the Jews nailed Jesus to the cross 2,000 years ago. The Jews were expelled from Israel and fled to countries around the world. Many were killed, and the entire Jewish nation was subjected to unprecedented destruction. They had nailed God to the cross—committed a heinous crime—and provoked the disposition of God. They were made to pay for what they did, were made to bear the consequences of their actions. They condemned God, rejected God, and so they had but one fate: to be punished by God. This is the bitter consequence and disaster that their rulers brought upon their country and nation.

Today, God has returned to the world to do His work. His first stop is the grand assemblage of dictatorial rulers: China, the staunch bastion of atheism. God has gained a group of people by His wisdom and power. During the period, He is hunted by China’s ruling party in every means and subjected to great suffering, with no place to rest His head and unable to find a shelter. Despite this, God still continues the work He intends to do: He utters His voice and spreads the gospel. None can fathom the almightiness of God. In China, a country that regards God as an enemy, God has never ceased His work. Instead, more people have accepted His work and word, for God does all He can to save each and every member of mankind. We trust that no country or power can stand in the way of what God wishes to achieve. Those that obstruct God’s work, resist the word of God, disturb and impair the plan of God shall ultimately be punished by God. He who defies the work of God shall be sent to hell; any country that defies the work of God shall be destroyed; any nation that rises up to oppose the work of God shall be wiped from this earth, and shall cease to exist” (“God Presides Over the Fate of All Mankind” in The Word Appears in the Flesh). In the Age of Law, the people of Sodom flagrantly denied and opposed God, directly infuriated God’s disposition, and were completely destroyed into ashes by God. In the Age of Grace, the Jewish chief priests, scribes, and Pharisees openly opposed and condemned the Lord Jesus. They, in collusion with the Roman government, nailed the Lord Jesus onto the cross, committing a heinous crime and infuriating God’s disposition, so that the entire nation was subjected to unprecedented destruction. Nowadays, the sins of the CCP opposing Almighty God are far more grievous than those of Sodom, and even more grievous than those of the Jewish religion. So what end will it bring to itself? What disaster will it bring to the Chinese nation? It’s self-evident.

Hereby, we hope people from all walks of life see through the truth behind the 8.28 Protest Incident, grow wise to the CCP’s schemes, and see clearly its devilish substance of being hostile to God.

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