Showing posts with label the last days. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the last days. Show all posts

I know that Eastern Lightning is the true way, but if I accept Almighty God’s work of the last days I shall be subjected to rejection and slander by the brothers and sisters belonging to my previous denomination. I really don’t have the courage to face that, so what should I do?

Question 7: I know that Eastern Lightning is the true way, but if I accept Almighty God’s work of the last days I shall be subjected to rejection and slander by the brothers and sisters belonging to my previous denomination. I really don’t have the courage to face that, so what should I do?

Bible Verses for Reference:
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walks about, seeking whom he may devour (1Pe 5:8).

I acknowledge the words expressed by Almighty God as the truth, but my family have been confused by rumors disseminated by the CCP and by pastors, and they do all they can to obstruct me getting in touch with Christians from the Church of Almighty God. I don’t dare to investigate Almighty God’s work of the last days, but neither do I want to lose the chance to be raptured and saved by God. How should I solve this problem?

I acknowledge the words expressed by Almighty God as the truth, but my family have been confused by rumors disseminated by the CCP and by pastors, and they do all they can to obstruct me getting in touch with Christians from the Church of Almighty God. I don’t dare to investigate Almighty God’s work of the last days, but neither do I want to lose the chance to be raptured and saved by God. How should I solve this problem?

Bible Verses for Reference:
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walks about, seeking whom he may devour (1Pe 5:8).
A man’s enemies are the men of his own house (Mic 7:6).

Most people in our church cannot tell the difference between being discerning with people and judging people. I’d like to ask, with regard to dissecting and discerning the God-defying essence of the pastors and elders, and calling them the Pharisees of the present age, is this not judging people?

Most people in our church cannot tell the difference between being discerning with people and judging people. I’d like to ask, with regard to dissecting and discerning the God-defying essence of the pastors and elders, and calling them the Pharisees of the present age, is this not judging people?

Bible Verses for Reference:
Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord has made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season? Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he comes shall find so doing.

Through seeking and investigating the words of Almighty God, we are certain that Almighty God is the appearance of the Lord. But after we decided to follow Almighty God, some unfortunate things and mishaps happened in our lives. We have read so little of God’s words and we still don’t understand the truth, so it is possible for our states to be disturbed which leads us to doubt God. How then should we experience these things when we encounter them?

Through seeking and investigating the words of Almighty God, we are certain that Almighty God is the appearance of the Lord. But after we decided to follow Almighty God, some unfortunate things and mishaps happened in our lives. We have read so little of God’s words and we still don’t understand the truth, so it is possible for our states to be disturbed which leads us to doubt God. How then should we experience these things when we encounter them?

Bible Verses for Reference:
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walks about, seeking whom he may devour (1Pe 5:8).
And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried: they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people: and they shall say, The LORD is my God (Zec 13:9).
Blessed is the man that endures temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord has promised to them that love him (Jas 1:12).

Question 3: We believe in the Lord and we spread the gospel as the Lord requires. We frequently give financial aid to deprived areas or to help the disabled, we donate money and items to the church, we do well at our jobs and with our children’s education and we conduct ourselves well. This way, we have glorified the Lord and been approved by Him, and when the Lord returns we will be raptured up into the kingdom of heaven. Why then do we also have to experience God’s work of judgment in the last days?

Question 3: We believe in the Lord and we spread the gospel as the Lord requires. We frequently give financial aid to deprived areas or to help the disabled, we donate money and items to the church, we do well at our jobs and with our children’s education and we conduct ourselves well. This way, we have glorified the Lord and been approved by Him, and when the Lord returns we will be raptured up into the kingdom of heaven. Why then do we also have to experience God’s work of judgment in the last days?

Bible Verses for Reference:
Not every one that said to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that does the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in your name? and in your name have cast out devils? and in your name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess to them, I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity (Mat 7:21-23).

One Must Know That Only God’s Three Stages of Work Are His Complete Work for Saving Mankind

One Must Know That Only God’s Three Stages of Work Are His Complete Work for Saving Mankind

Sermons and Fellowship
God’s discourse on His three stages of work is fully adequate for us to clearly see that it is built up stage by stage, and each stage is closely linked to the next.

How Do the Three Stages of God’s Work Gradually Deepen for People to Be Saved and Perfected?

How Do the Three Stages of God’s Work Gradually Deepen for People to Be Saved and Perfected?

Classic Words of God:
The work of God’s management began at the creation of the world, and man is at the core of this work. God’s creation of all things, it can be said, is for the sake of man.

The Relationship Between the Three Stages of God’s Work

The Relationship Between the Three Stages of God’s Work

Eastern Lightning,The Church of Almighty God,Gospel
The Relationship Between the Three Stages of God’s Work

Classic Words of God:
    The work done at present has pushed forward the work of the Age of Grace; that is, the work in the entire six-thousand-year management plan has moved forward.

What Is the Disposition God Expresses in the Age of Kingdom?

What Is the Disposition God Expresses in the Age of Kingdom?

Classic Words of God:

Although Jehovah, Jesus, and the Messiah all represent My Spirit, these names only denote the different ages in My management plan, and do not represent Me in My entirety. The names by which people on earth call Me cannot articulate My entire disposition and all that I am.

Why Does God Take the Name of Almighty God in the Age of Kingdom?

Why Does God Take the Name of Almighty God in the Age of Kingdom?

A lot of people don’t understand why, since Almighty God is the return of the Lord Jesus in the last days, the Lord Jesus is called Almighty God when He comes to do the work of judgment in the last days.

Why Is It Said That the Age of Kingdom Is the Age of Word?

Why Is It Said That the Age of Kingdom Is the Age of Word?

Eastern Lightning,The Church of Almighty God,salvation
Why Is It Said That the Age of Kingdom Is the Age of Word?

Classic Words of God:
    In the Age of Kingdom, God uses the word to usher in a new age, to change the means of His work, and to do the work for the entire age. This is the principle by which God works in the Age of Word. He became flesh to speak from different perspectives, enabling man to truly see God, who is the Word appearing in the flesh, and His wisdom and wonder.

The Necessary Knowledge of God’s Work in the Age of Kingdom

The Necessary Knowledge of God’s Work in the Age of Kingdom

Sermons and Fellowship
After having read the words about the significance of Almighty God’s work in the last days, if you can earnestly ponder them, you will certainly be able to gain some knowledge and understanding of His work in the last days.

The Age of Kingdom: The Content and Result of God’s Work

The Age of Kingdom: The Content and Result of God’s Work

Classic Words of God:
In the Age of Kingdom, God uses the word to usher in a new age, to change the means of His work, and to do the work for the entire age. This is the principle by which God works in the Age of Word.

The Necessary Knowledge of God’s Work in the Age of Grace

The Necessary Knowledge of God’s Work in the Age of Grace

Eastern Lightning,The Church of Almighty God,Jesus
The Necessary Knowledge of God’s Work in the Age of Grace
Sermons and Fellowship

    If we are able to earnestly ponder Almighty God’s words that reveal the significance and essence of God’s work in the Age of Grace, we will be entirely able to recognize that the Lord Jesus’ work in the Age of Grace was the work of redemption, and it was the work of atonement for corrupt mankind.

The Church of Almighty God | Why Did God Work in Israel in the Age of Law?

Why Did God Work in Israel in the Age of Law?

Eastern Lightning,The Church of Almighty God,Gosple
Why Did God Work in Israel in the Age of Law?

    The work that Jehovah did in the Israelites established among humanity God’s earthly place of origin, His sacred place where He was present. He confined His work to the Israelite people.

What is judgment?

What is judgment?

    Relevant Words of God:
    The work of judgment is God’s own work, so it should naturally be done by God Himself; it cannot be done by man in His stead.

Know the Purpose of the Three Stages of Work of God’s Management of Mankind.

Know the Purpose of the Three Stages of Work of God’s Management of Mankind.

Relevant Words of God:

    My entire management plan, a plan that spans six thousand years, consists of three stages, or three ages: the Age of Law in the beginning; the Age of Grace (which is also the Age of Redemption); and the Age of Kingdom in the last days.

God’s Judgment Work in the Last Days Has Important Significance for Man’s Salvation and Perfection Through Faith in God

God’s Judgment Work in the Last Days Has Important Significance for Man’s Salvation and Perfection Through Faith in God

People who have experienced God’s work of judgment and chastisement already see it clearly: Those who are fortunate enough to experience God’s judgment and chastisement in the last days are really the most blessed people of all. All those people who have truly experienced God’s judgment and chastisement have achieved the following ten results:

You testified that the Lord has returned and does His work of judgment beginning at the house of God in the last days. This is different from the great white throne judgment in the Book of Revelation. What most people in religion think is that the great white throne judgment is targeted at the non-believers that belong to the devil Satan. When the Lord comes, the believers will be taken up into heaven, and then He will send disaster to destroy the non-believers. That’s the judgment before the great white throne. You testify to the start of God’s judgment in the last days, but we haven’t seen God bring disaster to destroy the non-believers. Then how could it be the great white throne judgment?

You testified that the Lord has returned and does His work of judgment beginning at the house of God in the last days. This is different from the great white throne judgment in the Book of Revelation. What most people in religion think is that the great white throne judgment is targeted at the non-believers that belong to the devil Satan. When the Lord comes, the believers will be taken up into heaven, and then He will send disaster to destroy the non-believers. That’s the judgment before the great white throne. You testify to the start of God’s judgment in the last days, but we haven’t seen God bring disaster to destroy the non-believers. Then how could it be the great white throne judgment?

All those who truly understand the Bible know that the great white throne judgment prophesied in the Book of Revelation is a vision of God’s judgment work in the last days.

Christ Does the Work of Judgment With the Truth

Christ Does the Work of Judgment With the Truth

Classic Words of God:

        The work of the last days is to separate all according to their kind, to conclude the management plan of God, for the time is near and the day of God has come.

Christian English Movie | Chronicles of Religious Persecution in China "The Long Road of Exile"

Christian  Movie | Chronicles of Religious Persecution in China "The Long Road of Exile" Since it came to power i...